April 7, 2020
As of noon today, April 7, 2020, there are two cases of COVID-19 in Ravalli County. Both cases were travel originated. In both cases, the people that tested positive are in isolation, and their contacts are being quarantined.
At 2pm this afternoon, Governor Bullock has extended the Directives through April 24th. 2020, for school closures, bars and restaurants, stay at home, 14-day quarantine, and utility [water, heat, etc.] services. Go to https://covid19.mt.gov for detailed information.
Incident Commander Dr. Carol Calderwood: “We know this is wearing. We know this change in our lifestyle is challenging. However, distancing, stay-at-home – essential travel, and 14-day quarantine measures are working. No one can predict how long this will last, but we know these self-sacrificing actions will lessen the effect.”
At the website https://covid19.mt.gov/ , the State will now only update the report/map of new cases once a day around 10:00 a.m. The Ravalli County Incident Management Team officials will report any new confirmed cases as soon as we are notified.
Wednesday, April 8, County Board of Health meeting: There will be a COVID-19 update at the Ravalli County Board of Health meeting, Wednesday, April 8 on Granicus* at 2pm. The update will be given by the County Health Officer, County Health Nurse, Incident Management Team and the County Attorney. In addition, there will be a discussion about the appointment of a back-up County Health Officer. *Visit ravalli.us website for information about the meeting; click on commissioners meeting, live streaming. Call, 406-375-6500 if you are having trouble connecting to the meeting.
Call the County Emergency Operation if you have any questions regarding COVID-19, at 406-375-6650.