April 6, 2020
Public Information Officer, Dixie Dies, 406-375-4067
As of noon today, April 6, 2020, there are two cases of COVID-19 in Ravalli County. Both cases were travel originated. In both cases, the people that tested positive are in isolation, and their contacts are being quarantined.
What is travel originated? That means the person came in contact with the virus through their travels, not in the Valley.
What is community spread? The person that is ill didn’t recently travel or come in contact with a known positive case.
With the number of cases rapidly spreading through Montana, it is highly likely community spread will occur.
There is ONE POSITIVE PRECAUTION that can be taken: DISTANCING. Limit gatherings to 9 people or less and 6 feet apart.
Wednesday, April 8, County Board of Health meeting: There will be a COVID-19 update at the Ravalli County Board of Health meeting, Wednesday, April 8 on Granicus at 2 p.m. The update will be given by the County Health Officer, County Health Nurse, Incident Management Team and the County Attorney. In addition, there will be a discussion about the appointment of a back-up County Health Officer. Visit ravalli.us website for information about the meeting; click on commissioners meeting, live streaming. Call, 406-375-6500 if you are having trouble connecting to the meeting.
The agenda item regarding discussion of the need for local adoption of Governor Bullock’s Directives has been removed.
Please call the County Emergency Operations Center at 406-371-6650 if you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19.
The only thing that can spread faster than COVID-19, is rumors.