April 24, 2020
All directives still in place until Sunday
As of noon today, April 24, 2020, there are no new cases of COVID-19 in Ravalli County. We have had 5 cases. All of the cases have recovered. As of this date, 272 tests have been submitted to the State lab – 267 were negative, 5 were positive.
Public Health Officer and Incident Commander Dr. Carol Calderwood: “All of the directives issued by Governor Bullock for the past month are still in effect until midnight Saturday, April 25, 2020 – such as only essential travel, stay at home, and distancing. There has been some misunderstanding that Saturday was a ‘free day’!
“‘Reopening’ will begin Sunday, April 26 with churches, and stay at home lifted – except for the vulnerable populations.
“Reopening is such a critical time for everyone. Now, more than ever, with more people getting back into the general population, it is strongly recommended that people wear cloth masks in public. We all want to have all of our stores open. No one wants to go back to closures. Wear cloth masks, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, and distance. Take personal responsibility. A person can only be responsible for their own wellbeing.”
The Ravalli County Emergency Operations Center is open from 8am to 6pm, 406-375-6650. The Center is available to answer questions about COVID-19, and record out of State arrivals.