Over the past few weeks, Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital has had visitor restrictions in place. As COVID-19 continues to spread in surrounding areas and the Governor’s orders get more stringent, they state it is their responsibility to do their part to keep their patients and staff safe. As of Wednesday, April 1, the “No Visitor” policy is in effect. During this time, no visitors can access the facilities. For patients getting picked up from the hospital, a team member will assist in transporting them to their vehicle.
For those that have flu or cold-like symptoms, please stay home until you have no fever for at least 48 hours. If your breathing gets worse, or you still have a fever after five days, please contact your primary care provider, convenient care, or the emergency department.
Everyone is being asked to play their part in slowing the virus down, by practicing social distancing and following the CDC guidelines. For the most current information about COVID-19:
COVID-19 Resources:
o cdc.gov: for signs and symptoms
o dphhs.mt.gov: testing
Phone Numbers:
o DPHHS: 24/7 hotline: 406-444-0273
o Ravalli County Public Health: 406-375-6672
o Ravalli County Emergency Operations Center: 406-375-6650
For hospital information, COVID-19 updates visit MDMH.org or the MDMH Facebook page.