March 27, 2020
As of noon Friday, March 27, 2020. There is still ONLY ONE case of COVID-19 in Ravalli County. REGARDLESS of what your friend told you, REGARDLESS of what your friend’s friend heard from a law enforcement officer or doctor, or nurse, or EMT or a person that is a reliable source of information; REGARDLESS of what your girlfriend or boyfriend said, REGARDLESS of what your co-worker said. There is ONLY ONE case of COVID-19 in Ravalli County. There is ONE case. Period. The person has been identified and is in isolation. Her contacts have been identified, they don’t have symptoms, and have been quarantined.
IC Dr. Carol Calderwood: “We have enough tension and uncertainty right now. We don’t need to spread rumors about additional cases. More positive cases will come soon enough, and we are ready. We have been completely honest with the status of cases in Ravalli County. There is no need to hide information, there is no need to inflate information. When there is another case, we will report it immediately. We have tested 80 people in Ravalli County. We have ONE positive report. County Health personnel are in contact with the person and are monitoring as appropriate for the situation.”
The Montana DPHHS website, Demographic Information is updated daily.
To quote Dr. Sanjay Gupta, “In this time of physical distancing, we all need each other more than ever,” and that includes factual information.
EOC – UPDATED HOURS. Emergency Operations Center at 406-375-6650 for the Ravalli County COVID-19 response is open and will be staffed from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday; Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Center was set up to answer COVID-19 questions.
Outside the EOC hours, please call the state health hotline at 888-333-0461.