Contact: Dixie Dies, Information Officer
March 21, 2020
10 a.m., March 21, 2020 – The first Coronavirus case has been identified in Ravalli County. The person is a female in her teens and is resting in isolation at home. The coronavirus was spread to her through international travel. Close contacts of the person are in quarantine.
According to IC Calderwood, “We knew the virus would eventually get to Ravalli County. We are prepared, and we are taking steps to help ensure the health and safety of our citizens.”
Imperatives for County residents:
1.Everyone should stay home as much as possible and avoid ALL nonessential public activities. Continue to practice 6 feet social distancing.
2. Avoid overwhelming our medical system. Stay home unless you are short of breath or otherwise need urgent care. Call your provider or public health with other questions: 888-333-0461.
3. People living in communal settings such as nursing homes, assisted living, independent senior living apartments and group homes should stay in the residences. Managers should facilitate and take supportive steps such as arranging for grocery shopping.
4. Wash hands and frequently touched surface regularly and avoid touching your face without clean hands.
The Incident Command Team is working to establish a network of young healthy adults to help people comply with remaining at home.
The Incident Command Team is working to establish a network of young healthy adults to help people comply with remaining at home.
To keep terms clarified among the different readers:
Isolation is separating a person with an infectious disease away from other people.
Quarantine means to separate and restricts the movement of people who are exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.