By Dennis Hicks, Hamilton
Such was the headline of a half-page color display ad in the latest edition of the Bitterroot Star. The ad was in support of the “climate crises,” but it shouted an unintended message: When objective science is abandoned, one is left only with childish arguments.
I chuckled to myself almost immediately when I noticed the ad. I might have been amused by the artwork, and the content, because they were obviously produced by a child. Young indoctrinated children have become the new heralds of the “climate crises.” Think of world-renown teenage Swedish climate change activist, Greta Thunberg.
But my amusement was not because of the cuteness of the artwork, but because the artwork displayed what happens when objective science is abandoned in an attempt to educate the unsuspecting public about global climate change.
In 1989, Congress established the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) to coordinate federal research related to the human and natural forces that affect the global environment. The program is considered the leading federal authority on global warming science and so its reports are eagerly parroted in Western media as part of an ongoing attempt to frighten uninformed voters into supporting massive government controls that would radically alter the lifestyle of all but the wealthiest Americans.
The American public would be shocked to discover that some USGCRP climate assessments are merely environmental propaganda presented as convincing proof that immediate government intervention is required to avert calamity. Such harmful sophistry is “unforgivable, unforgettable, undeniable.”
Don’t you find it interesting that more government control is always presented as the solution to the climate change crisis, and never free-market solutions?
The reader should ask at this point, how does this writer know the truth about this? How can he be so sure the USGCRP isn’t always presenting the truth? In answer to those good questions, I offer this: Are you willing to invest 13 minutes of your valuable time to find out for yourself?
Mr. Tony Heller is a well-educated man, holding a B.S. degree in geology and a Master’s degree in electrical engineering. Tony operates the website, where he investigates the data presentations by the USGCRP and other government entities. The following link is to a 13-minute video Heller produced to show how the USGCRP knowingly cherry-picks climate data, and omits contrary data, to produce their frightening climate assessments. The important issue to consider is how climate change data are presented. Advocates on both sides of the climate change debate have access to the same data. The difference is how the data are presented.
Watch the video and decide for yourself: