The Daly Hospital Foundation Board of Directors recently voted to disburse $500,000 from its investment earnings and targeted fundraising campaign to help Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital (MDMH) purchase a new DaVinci Robotics System for the Surgery Center.
Tom Grymes is the Treasurer for the Foundation with responsibilities to oversee the investment accounts. He said, “The markets have been very favorable and at the time the funds were needed, the market was at its all-time high. The generosity from major donors, the work of our fundraising efforts this year, and the fundraising efforts of previous board members all contributed to the availability of these funds.”
“It was a community-wide effort to increase our hospital’s ability to provide quality care with state-of-the-art equipment and help the Foundation fulfill its mission to generate funding that benefits the entire community,” Grymes said.
Philanthropist and long-time Daly Hospital Foundation supporter, Frank Godchaux, passed away earlier this year and his family bequeathed a gift in his honor which was used to help purchase the DaVinci. In gratitude for their support, the waiting room at the new Surgery Center is named in the family’s honor. Two of the three surgical suites are also now named in gratitude for substantial gifts received. One honors the memory of Greg Gates, MD, and the other recognizes the long-time cooperative relationship with architect Marty Noyd of Oz Architects. He designed the new addition and after its opening, offered a gift back to the hospital through the Daly Hospital Foundation.
“We are very grateful for generous donors who support our mission,” said Stacie Duce, DHF Director of Philanthropy. “This is the largest gift transferred to our non-profit hospital from the Foundation since the ICU was built. It represents a cumulative generosity of large and small donations and for everyone, we are extremely grateful.”
“At our Gala last summer, representatives from DaVinci actually brought similar equipment to the grounds of the Daly Mansion for our guests to see the amazing technology and even sit down to see how steady their own hand was while operating the robotics arms,” Duce said.
“Our messaging is intended to be very clear to our supporters about the purpose of fundraising efforts and the impact it has on our hospital. It takes state-of-the-art equipment to deliver quality care and recruit talented medical providers.” Duce said. “Strategically disbursing funds motivates us to replace them all over again and operate our Foundation like a healthy stream where funds come in and flow out to directly benefit families seeking medical care from MDMH.”
“It has been an exciting year for Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, made possible through a caring team, our community, and a healthy Foundation,” John Bishop, MDMH Chief Executive Officer. In April, we gathered for the ribbon cutting and dedication celebration for the hospital’s beautiful new surgery center, this fall, we welcomed three new surgeons, Drs. Clark, Waggener and Metcalf. We opened two new medical clinics, Bitterroot Surgical Associates and Bitterroot Dermatology, purchased the DaVinci Robotics System, and starting January 2nd our urgent care clinic ‘Convenient Care’ will be extending hours.”
“This would not be possible without being the recipient of donations from the Daly Hospital Foundation in the amount of $500K and recent equipment purchases from MDMH employees. Sizable contributions are a testament to our staff, community, and the health of the foundation,” Bishop said. “Without a strong team, community, and foundation, it would be challenging to continue to grow and meet the local healthcare needs.
“As we move into a new year, it is a perfect time to reflect and recognize the trust our patients, donors and the foundation puts in us,” said Bishop. “Patients trust us with their lives, and donors trust the Daly Hospital Foundation to make timely donations to the hospital, and the donors and foundation trust the hospital to use the funds to enhance quality care and grow services. It is with much gratitude that I say thank you to our team and to each of you for choosing to keep your healthcare and donations close to home. We have learned that together, anything is possible. Thank you for your generosity and trust in us.”
To make a donation to the Daly Hospital Foundation visit www.mdmh.org/give, mail to Daly Hospital Foundation at 1200 Westwood Drive, Hamilton MT 59840 or contact Stacie Duce at Stacie.duce@mdmh.org or call 406-375-4674.