By Judy Hoy, Stevensville
We constantly hear, ‘If you see something, say something.’ For 23 years we have been reporting yearly a high prevalence of birth defects, cancer and death, on wildlife, domestic animals, especially newborns and most importantly, on human babies. Of nearly 74 million U.S. children, approximately one of three suffers a serious disorder. One of two pregnancies results in death to the fetus or a less than healthy child. Over 30 kinds of pesticides are found in babies’ umbilical cords, along with mercury, flame retardants, dioxin and PCBs. It is a wonder that any of them survive. Between 5 and 6 BILLION pounds of pesticides are now used on Earth every year. The costs of care associated with toxin-linked childhood illnesses in Montana alone are well over $400 million a year. In the United States, exposure to brain damaging pesticides during development is resulting in doubling the number of retarded adults, and it is cutting the number of gifted by more than half. This will not make America great again! Dr. Ian Donald stated, “The first 38 weeks of human life are medically more fraught with danger than the next 38 years in a human’s lifespan.”
Help all youngsters be born normal again. Insist that Neonics, Chlorpyrifos and Roundup be banned immediately. For developing young, any exposure to these chemicals is damaging.