By Mickie Esmay, Unit 94 American Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion Fort Owen Post 94 and Auxiliary members make two trips each year with students from the Stevensville school to the Fort Harrison Veterans Hospital. Around Valentine’s Day, they take over Valentines made by the elementary students and pass them out and visit with the veterans there. Near Pearl Harbor Day, December 7th, they deliver Christmas cards and candy canes and sing carols.
During the Christmas visit in 2005, some of the students had written personal letters and handed them out to veterans while there. One of the veterans who received a letter was Byron Ham. He volunteers at the hospital and makes popcorn in the lobby for the patients. One of the students handed him a letter which he took home and attached to his refrigerator. He found it so uplifting that whenever he experiences a low spot in his life, he takes it down and re-reads its contents. This always seems to make things better.
Byron knew that the students were coming over again in 2018 so he brought the letter with him to show them. What a surprise! After all those years it is still kept on his refrigerator where he can still draw comfort from it.
The Stevensville High School Registrar/Secretary, Vickie Vernon, and the students through the years have obviously touched the hearts of many, many veterans at the hospital. The Post 94 members know these visits are important and feel honored to have the cooperation and support of the Stevensville school administration, students and community through the years.
Here is the letter that Byron received.
December 6, 2005
Dear Veteran,
Happy Holidays! I wanted to write a letter thanking you for everything. Without you our great nation would be at a loss. Thank you for allowing me the freedoms I have today. You represent the heart, soul and fire that burns within American hearts today. Sometimes you may feel taken for granted, but know that I appreciate and think you guys are the best!
I remember going to the Veterans’ center when I was younger and singing patriotic songs to all the veterans. When I was doing this, I remember feeling a passion and pride not only for our country, but for what you have done in order to keep our nation and all of the ideals America holds living.
There is no way I can pay you back for what you have done or honor you as much as I want to. I cannot thank you enough, but I’ll say this again: Thank you!!!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and once again, Thanks.
Lots of love,
Rachael Allred