By Annette McDonald, Victor
I read with amusement a recent letter from a Mr. Frank Novotny of Victor, to which I wish to respond.
In my years in this country (via Ireland and Scotland), I have found that I am more well-versed in American history that the majority of Americans I’ve known, primarily due to the excellent education I received prior to moving here. I am therefore puzzled that despite my knowledge, I have never heard or read of any North American tribe named Novotny. In fact, the derivation of the name “Novotny” is Czech and Jewish, and actually translates into English as “newcomer.” In light of your letter, I find this fact not only ironic, but hilarious!
It makes one wonder if you know if your parents/grandparents were told, to quote YOUR words, to “go back to the great pile of poo-poo from whence you came”?
When I read your letter the words of the English poet Thomas Grey, sprang to mind: “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.”
It’s almost as if Mr. Grey wrote those words centuries ago with the likes of you and the present White House buffoon in mind!