The Town of Stevensville has made significant headway over the past 48 hours as snow removal and clean-up efforts began on Wednesday night and continued into the early morning hours of Friday. The essential travel only advisory expired at 5:00am, classes and activities at Stevensville Schools have resumed and Main Street is open for business Friday morning.
Thursday’s operations were focused primarily on Park Avenue to get snow piles removed and streets ready for the school to resume. Crews in that area worked for about 6 hours moving the mountains of snow from parking areas and the road surface. Mayor Brandon Dewey said “The coordinated effort between the School District and our snow removal crews was successful and those heading into school today noticed a positive difference from Wednesday’s conditions.”
Efforts were also focused on the commercial areas of Town where piles of snow were causing hazardous congestion. Snow removal was completed on Chilcott Street and the 100 Block of Valley View Street. Efforts were simultaneously coordinated with the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) where removal of the snow berm on Main Street continued for several blocks. Four large dump trucks provided by contractors and MDT hauled snow to open areas at the Town’s wastewater treatment plant.
Substantial snow removal operations will be temporarily suspended until Monday morning. At that time crews will begin to address hazards in the residential areas. The Town will continue to maintain streets with snow plows as needed through Friday and into the weekend.
“Our staff and contractors did an outstanding job in responding to the storm and putting the needs of the community first. It’s important they get some rest over the weekend so that we can move forward with clean-up starting again on Monday,” said Mayor Dewey.
Mayor Dewey says “Stevensville’s spirit and sense of community is strong and can’t be covered up, even with a few feet of snow. We breathe a bit easier today knowing the major snow hazards are taken care of, and we can again welcome neighbors and visitors to enjoy that spirit!”
For more information about snow removal efforts, to volunteer to help with snow removal or to request assistance, please contact Town Hall at 777-5271.