Thursday, February 28, 2019
6:00 pm
The Town of Stevensville, Ravalli County, Montana will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 6:00 pm in the Town Council Chambers located at 206 Buck Street, Stevensville, Montana. The purpose of this public hearing is to obtain public comments regarding the overall community development needs (public facilities, economic development, and housing needs), including the needs of low- and moderate-income persons. The Town of Stevensville will also seek the views of citizens on the activities that should be undertaken to meet the identified needs and their relative priority. The Town of Stevensville may apply for funding from the Montana Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program (federal funding administered by the Montana Department of Commerce) and other state and federal funding sources to deal with local housing, public facilities or other community needs and would like comments or suggestions from local citizens regarding the Town’s needs and the type of projects which should be considered. Comments may be given orally at the hearing or submitted in writing before noon on February 28, 2019.
Anyone who would like more information or who wants to submit suggestions should contact April Van Tassel, Finance Officer at 406-777-5271 x 103.
Attest: Audree Tribbensee, Town Clerk
BS 2-20, 2-27-19. MNAXLP