Greg Trangmoe, Stevensville School Board Chair, was recently honored by the Montana School Boards Association (MTSBA) with the Marvin Heintz Award at the Montana Conference of Educational Leadership held in Missoula. The Marvin Heintz Award is bestowed on individual school board trustees who attain the highest level of trustee certification through the MTSBA School Board Academy Program.
Trangmoe is highly active in the both local and state education circles. He has served on the Stevensville School Board of Trustees for eight years and has served as Board Chair for the past five years. More recently, Trangmoe has helped organize summer and after-school programming to teach computer coding and robotics to interested youth of all ages. Trangmoe has written grants for this effort and has served in a volunteer teaching capacity for the coding program as well. In addition to his elected Stevensville board position, Trangmoe also serves on the Montana School Board Association’s Board of Directors as a Region 6 representative for southwest Montana
Trangmoe was recently recognized at the October school board meeting for his efforts by Superintendent Bob Moore. Moore acknowledged that Trangmoe was one of a select few trustees statewide to receive the award and that Trangmoe’s dedication to education and professional learning is appreciated by the Stevensville School District as well as other area schools.