By Dennis Hicks, Hamilton
One largely reveals their own character by the friends they choose and their associations. The wisest man who ever lived said, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm” — Solomon, Proverbs 13:20.
It is becoming increasingly clear who are the bad actors in the public arena of politics in America. The Democratic party has adopted the flawed socialist ideologies of the American Communist Party of the 1940’s and 50’s. Now the most prominent Democratic leaders want to be known as “Democratic Socialists.”
The increasingly perverse language of the new left, observed in their protest signs and their speech, reveals their true character. Another bit of helpful wisdom from the Bible: “The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart” (Jesus, Matthew 12:34). The character of their inner motivations is revealed by their perverse speech. How could we possibly want such people to be our children’s heroes or teachers?
It is the socialist Democrats who appear to have abandoned private and public virtue and America’s traditional values of loving God, family, and country. Their kind of behaviors, provocations, and perverse speech would have earned them a spanking and a mouth-cleansing application of soap in our family.
The Democrats appear more agitators than statesmen; more promoters of tribalism than unity and harmony. To be blunt, the leftists in America, the leaders of the Democratic party, seem to be fools aggressively pursuing a destructive fool’s errand. They seem to openly act more foolishly each day.
I have voted for Democrats in the past. As I observe the destructive behaviors and ideologies of the current Democratic party, I have concluded they can never have my vote. I can’t vote for someone who aligns themselves with a socialist agenda that would destroy America and pervert our traditional American values.
A Democratic candidate may be a good person, even with good intentions, but he is a companion of fools. I cannot vote for him because if he is elected to power, he will suffer harm and so will our community and our traditional American culture.