By Donna Thompson, Program Director, Genesis House, Inc., Stevensville
Holiday Greetings to our friends, neighbors and folks who would like to learn more about Genesis House, a transitional group home for women with mental illness. You are invited to our annual Christmas open house and buffet on Thursday, December 13th at 5 p.m. You will have an opportunity to visit with the ladies, staff and Board of Directors, eat lots of good food, watch the ladies open up their presents and sing Christmas carols.
We had a good year. Our worst fears about the effect on Genesis House and the state of Montana’s budget problems did not materialize. Although things were tight without a lot of wiggle room, our amazing staff and good planning everyone ate well and the bills were paid. Fortunately we had no major building renovations this year and our new van has been trouble free.
We would like to say a big thank you to all our volunteers and friends who provide their time, treasure and talents to assist our ladies in so many ways. You are an important ingredient in our success. We invite you to come and see Genesis House and all we do to help the ladies. We extend to each and every one our best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.