By Dee Gibney, Hamilton
I find the behavior appalling of the Democratic party toward Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. What happened to our nation where we wanted good moral people in our government? The socialistic Democrats are acting with deranged psychopathic behavior, like mad bees whose nest has been disturbed. Ever since Trump has become President they are acting like spoiled children whose favorite toy has been taken away. They are no longer grown-ups, but demanding, loud mouth 2 year olds having temper tantrums and no longer belong in the grownup world of politics.
One reason is they want all the power in government to control you and me and to head us toward socialism. They want us to be their workers, so they can take all our earnings, leaving us with nothing. They start by taking your guns, teach socialistic Common Core to your children, change history and dumb everyone down so they are so stupid they can no longer think for themselves and don’t know anything.
The socialists say they will give you free stuff, remember nothing is free, you will pay for it in taxes! The Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. I can’t think of one country where socialism has worked, and the sad part is, without guns to defend yourself, you are helpless! They will come to imprison and kill just like in all socialist countries.
Why wouldn’t the liberal Democrats want a good moral person in the Supreme Court? Don’t we want good moral decisions that don’t let dangerous criminals out of jail like they are doing in CA? Don’t we want a judge that will protect us as a nation? The socialist Democrats want liberal judges who will destroy this country, bring it to its knees where we are nothing more than groveling poor serfs under socialist elites.