By Bob Williams, Stevensville
Every week there is more and more evidence that the US House of Representatives will flip from Republican control, to Democrat control, after the November election.
What will happen when Montana votes to be represented by our one only Representative in the ‘people’s house’?
Take a good look at the recently online published four graphs created by James Conner:
Since 2000, the campaign with the most fund raising contributions has won the election to seat a Montana Representative in the US House.
James Conner is an independent man, experienced at constructing bar graphs, also correlation diagram graphs.
Each one of Conner’s four graphs presents a view, from a different perspective, of the same data.
For instance, the first graph grabs my attention.
The correlation line graph with a very high “r” value may grab attention of people who know statistics.
People who watch the ebb and flow of history may see meaning in his fourth graph.