By James K. Rummell, Corvallis
As a new resident of the Bitterroot Valley, I was surprised to see the comments from Mr. Sleath in the newspaper dated April 25, 2018. You see, I am a refugee from The Peoples Republic of Mexifornia (some folks just call it California) and I fled due to this misguided attitude. I too believe in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. And of course, I believe that every citizen of this country should have the same rights, no matter what creed, or color. However, citizens not of this country, well, not so much. I of course know that everyone in my beautiful new homeland will not agree completely with me, and that’s great! That’s what made America this wonderful place to seek “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But let’s be aware of the way the first known Democrat, Christopher Columbus, (yes, I said, Christopher, Columbus) became so famous. You see, old Chris left the Old World, not knowing where he was going. When he arrived, he didn’t know where he was. When he finally made it home, he didn’t know where he had been. And he did all that with someone else’s money. Now that’s the real Democratic Platform!