After the recent school shooting the usual cries for gun “safety” went out. Stephen Smith who lost his mother in a school shooting wrote a great pro-gun guest editorial which pretty much reflects my views on the subject.
Democrats and other liberals are always in favor of “common sense gun safety laws” as a way to save lives. They want to modify the second amendment to restrict what kind of gun you can own and how old an adult must be to buy a gun.
These are the same people who believe convicted violent illegal immigrants must be protected from Federal deportation, passing laws that create sanctuary states and cities and even using tax money to hire lawyers to protect them. They believe when we are attacked by people shouting a devotion to a religion that any mention of that religion in subsequent investigative or preventative actions is racist and profiling. That asking a person to show photo Id might frighten them and interfere with their right to vote but doing the same would not interfere with their right to buy a gun. That border protection requires you must cite and release illegals into this country never to be seen again. That it is racist to deny people entry that are from countries which openly state their hatred for and desire to kill us. Logic is not a card in their deck.
I would like to suggest we modify the first amendment and make it unlawful for Democrats and other Liberals to use phrases and words like: common sense; rational; intellectual honesty; racist; oppressed; intolerance; profiling; hate speech; offended; white privilege or safe space unless they get a background check wherein they show they know the meaning of these terms and have not misused them in the past.
These people lack common sense and seemingly are devoid of logic. It is obvious you don’t want people like these in positions where they have power to make laws which will affect your life and country.
In November Montana can take a big step in the right direction by firing Senator Jon Tester and voting for the Republican candidate. Tester will claim to be a strong Second Amendment supporter but you need to check with Pelosi and Schumer to see how he really feels.
I plan on supporting Russ Fagg to be the Republican candidate. Check him out at
Gary Fitzpatrick
Rick Landry says
Well, Gary, I don’t know how to best break this to you, but you, sir, are NOT the King of Logic. You are, however, clearly on the Trump bandwagon, which means you aren’t even a patriot: you, and all the rest of the Trump supporters, are fascists. Your letter reads like a summary of your incoherent leader’s ramblings at his frequent, so-called ‘campaign-style rallys’. You live in a county which is 96% White, 2% Hispanic, and you are inordinately worried about ‘illegal immigration’? Since there appears to be no foundation for this concern associated with your locale, my logic informs me that you have completely bought into Trump’s scapegoating immigrants ( not to mention Muslims ), and you are simply reiterating his inflammatory and ill-conceived talking points.
What you are overlooking, Mr. Fitzpatrick, is that this style of scapegoating “the Other’, is a historically common tactic associated with fascism, and fascist leaders. By redirecting your attention to a group they demonize, neo-fascists like Trump effectively shift focus from the real enemies of the common man: the wealthy elite ( basking in their newly-realized ‘tax cuts’ ) and capitalism, itself. If you are a fascist, sir, then you cannot claim to be an American who believes in representative government and democratic values. You must end the denial, and recognize you are a fascist, an American fascist. Now, it’s entirely within the realm of possibility that you do not really understand what fascism is, and in fact feel umbrage being labeled one. That would be understandable. It would also reflect denial, willful ignorance, and a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance. For your edification, might I suggest reading ‘The Anatomy of Fascism’, by Robert Paxton, the volume widely-considered to be the most authoritative source on this subject?
And finally, your third paragraph, beginning with: “These are the same people who believe convicted violent illegal immigrants must be protected from Federal deportation, passing laws that create sanctuary states and cities and even using tax money to hire lawyers to protect them…” is a syntactical and grammatical nightmare, filled with run-on incomplete sentences.
Your allegations and assumptions are not based in fact, but rather on your Dunning-Kruger inhibited personal opinion, which I suspect you have borrowed and assimilated from Fox News ( the Entertainment Channel ) and your Glorious Leader. Yet you lecture ‘liberals’ on their command of logic? Your specious conjectures are guilty of numerous logical fallacies themselves, which is something I would think you would seek to avoid when assuming to berate others on the application of sound logic. Perhaps you ought to pick-up a volume on logic when you acquire that book on fascism?