The problem is not guns, it is the NEA and schools that for decades have been teaching:
1) Humanism – no absolute right or wrong, situational ethics, everyone do your thing;
2) Multi-culturalism which is primarily an attack on Christianity;
3) No discipline – it is a crime to spank unruly children.
It is long overdue for the abolishment of the NEA. There should be local control of schools and discipline when needed.
We don’t need more gun laws. The need is for uniform enforcement of the laws we have now.
David D. Whitesitt
SPERI says
Interesting item in the news about a hostage in a church shooter situation who picked up the gun/took gun from armed assailant when others jumped the kidnapper and were wrestling with him. Police had been called and told of the armed hostage situation. When the police arrive the guy with the gun gets ordered to drop the gun. Fearing it might go off, he was slowly lowering the gun to the ground while telling them he had been a hostage and was not the perp. The police decided he wasn”t complying fast enough and shot him twice. Almost hit an artery, would have died, but he lived through it. So much for the highly trained police response that will protect all the innocents from gun violence Sure doesn”t make me want to support the liberal agenda to take all the guns from everyone but the government/police. Sad it was in Amarillo, TX. I too was planning on retiring to Texas from “Taxachusetts.
Gomez says
1. Definition of humanism “A doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially : a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual’s dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason.”
If not trying to establish moral guidelines through reason, what would you rather use? Ancient holy books that advocate bigotry, homophobia & misogyny?
2. What you describe as an attack on Christianity is simply you not being able to force your personal faith beliefs on others like you used to be able to in the past.
3. It is not against the law to give a child a swat on the rear end. It is against the law to beat them.