Watching the massacre that just took place in Las Vegas, Nevada has left me wondering how many more will we be witness to? Looking back on previous acts of terrorism that have been committed here in the United States, the biggest percent of them have been carried out by our own white homegrown terrorists. For this I have been thankful. Had the majority of these atrocious hate crimes been committed by Blacks, Mexicans, or Muslims, it would have left a blood trail of innocent victims murdered by racists. We spend hours reporting on these hate crimes. Hours are spent studying these terrorists, and what made them do it. The monetary cost to the American taxpayers would be horrendous.
When Trump campaigned for office his supporters went wild hearing him spew hate, violence and vitriolic rhetoric. Now that this fake president is in the White House he has gotten worse. His threat to take out North Korea is a reality. lf this were to happen he would be responsible for nuking millions of South Koreans, and thousands of Americans would lose their lives.
We know what he is capable of but what is the responsibility of the Republican and Democratic parties? Do they not realize they would be as responsible for the mass annihilation as Trump? They need to stop him now!
Lori Ortiz