In its sixth year of successful fundraising for the Aid for Mammography Fund, the community-driven Sprinkle Pink committee has announced new events and opportunities to increase awareness about the importance of preventative health practices and cancer screenings.
Kicking off a month-long campaign throughout the Bitterroot Valley, the first in a series of “Spirit of Pink” games will be this Friday, September 29 at the cross-town rivalry football game between Hamilton and Corvallis. The stands at Haynes Field will be filled with fans donning their favored red or blue team gear, but all are encouraged to unite and wear a splash of pink as well. In addition, the early arrivers will receive pink pompoms thanks to the Spirit of Pink Game sponsors Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana and Quality Inn/Town Pump.
Clubs at both schools have already started pre-selling pink footballs for a half-time ball toss. All proceeds benefit the Aid for Mammography Fund managed by Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital that provides clinical screenings, mammograms and other related medical services for those in need. “In the last six years, 916 Ravalli County residents received assistance through the Aid for Mammography Fund,” said Amy James-Linton, the hospital’s marketing director.
At Corvallis High School, members of the National Honor Society and the InterAct Club have jointly organized to pre-sell the footballs and initiate other fundraising efforts in the community. At Hamilton High School, the Spirit Club led by senior Tristy Searle is also pre-selling balls and plans to host bake sells and other fundraising events. Volunteers from both schools will take part in a Sprinkle Pink half-time promotion where hundreds of purchased mini footballs will be tossed from the stands for a chance to win a generous prize from local sponsors.
Other Spirit of Pink games are also scheduled at Stevensville High School on Friday, October 13 and in Darby at the volleyball game on October 21. Teams at all valley schools are invited to join the fun and add a splash of pink to their uniforms as a show of solidarity for our community’s efforts at preventative health.
Other programs taking place is the Paint Your Window Pink contest, Save Your Date 365 Mammogram program and more! For more information about sprinkle pink activities or to organize a fundraiser to benefit the Aid for Mammography Fund visit mdmh.org – sprinkle pink, contact Amy James-Linton at ajames@mdmh.org or call 406-375-4589.