Agreed, we all have responsibility to look well beyond stuff advanced by cults, also stuff advanced by cult type thinking.
Let’s look well beyond the unholy alliance of the chaos makers. The 1 percenters. K Bros, DeVos and Robert Mercer families.
Let’s look beyond:
• Those who proclaim that white is right.
• Those who claim fertilized male sperm has prior and superior rights to women and their health and family priorities.
• Those who deliberately sabotage ACA. And tried to slash support to family planning while twisting health care into wealth care.
• Representatives who pushed BCRA-Bonus Capital for Rich Americans.
• Senators who voted for McConnell care for mega size medical: insurors; pharmaceutical companies, and equipment importers.
• Slashing health care is OK if such slashing helps mega wealthy in the USA while causing known morbidity and genocide.
• Our President grossly neglecting active measures to improve health care, social conditions, human rights, and climate.
• Our President anxious for what he calls tax reform.
• Our President supported by only a third of the people.
• Our President likely laundering rubles for two decades at his Tahj Mahal.
Why beat yourself up? We did not elect him.
Active measures not anticipated by our amended Constitution elected him. Here’s a few.
• GOP Voter and Vote suppression: Voter ID burdens. Suddenly closed polling places. Cross-check purging Registered Voters. Hacking vote-counting machines. Without those measures Donald Trump is the loser.
• Without Russian and GOP active measures DJT is the big time loser.
• Russian adversarial aggression on Sputnik, RT, Fbook and Twitter.
• President Putin’s reported 1,000 hackers and bot generators committing malice against Hillary Clinton.
• DeVos and Trump Tower servers to Trump Tower Alfa Bank serving USA voter information to the richest man in the world.
That’s President Putin sitting on top of evidently the biggest and most corrupt protection racket in world history.
Where resource monopolists called oligarchs, and oilygarchs, and Russian Organized Crime give up to half of their net income to Putin.
Who protects them from Russian people knowing trillions of dollars of USA real estate was purchased by way of laundered Russian rubles?
Putin, who invaded then annexed Crimea. Invaded the Government of Ukraine.
Putin, who interfered in the Brexit election, and the recent French Election.
Putin, who manipulates Estonia. Threatens the border of Finland.
Putin, who by some reports has, since Inauguration, stepped up aid and assistance to North Korea.
Putin’s military now shooting people in Ukraine and possibly moving into Belarus.
How can we not call Putin an adversary?
Bob Williams