Think of this. The way for us to be the safest country in the world is for us to embrace the full racial and cultural diversity of our citizens. Now is the best time for us to live up to the ideals of our Founding Fathers of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Imagine a Congress and White House brimming with every ethnicity and every religion. Imagine half of our leaders as women… women of every diverse background possible. Imagine if Congress was full of scientists, clergy, teachers, ranchers, and even farm workers and waitresses. These good Americans would cover the widest possible range of thought and experience of the whole world. Not only would we be embracing the ideals of our Constitution, we would be sending a new face of America out to the world. This would be the melting pot at it’s very best.
We could represent the best that humanity has to offer.
Take a deep breath, literally hold on to your heart, and then dare to imagine the United States with a Muslim president. Make your brain picture a Muslim who is a true, honorable, American first. An American who has the best interest of our country in his heart. A Muslim who uses his faith as background to be the best human being possible. After you are done hyperventilating, think about how that would help heal our relationship with the Middle East. Do the same thought experiment about a President whose parents came from Korea, or maybe Mexico. Or how about a full blood Native American as our leader? Or a gay man or a lesbian woman – or someone who openly identifies as trans-gendered?
If we can relax and embrace this new world then we will be safe in our neighborhoods; we’ll have thriving cities and states. We will be the most colorful and thriving nation on earth. It will be really fun to be us. By living up to our full potential as the United States of America, we will honorably take our place in the world as a true leader. As a leader of the actual world, full of actual people of every kind.
We will then, also, be the safest country in the world, because we won’t have anyone to fight.
Salim Matt Gras