Where did you get your story (Bitterroot Star Letters, July 26) on what was decided by the Stevensville Town Council at the meeting of July 10? I didn’t see you in attendance. You live in Florence but you represent District 88 which includes Stevensville.
Having attended the meeting as a resident of Stevensville, I’ve followed the river access issue and have enjoyed many times on the river launching from what was the historical east side access point by the bridge until Mr. Capp decided to place concrete barricades blocking access with ‘No Trespassing’ signs until he gets one deal only from the Town of Stevensville. Mr. Capp wants the Town’s public river park to add to his ranch which will certainly enhance his property values but take away public land that many enjoy. Yet another big landowner blocking public access until the town caves in on a paltry, bad land swap.
Fortunately, the Town Council, after a lot public testimony and a petition of 70 river users all urging that the Town drop negotiations with an unreasonable land bully, agreed to move immediately forward with developing a temporary launch site for watercraft north of Mr. Capp’s disgraceful barricades. Additionally, Town officials will begin work to develop a permanent, first class access site on the west side of the river and urge FWP to help the effort. What a great decision by public officials who care.
Mr. Greef, I hope your constituents will review your public voting record and positions on votesmart.org. You’re on the state FWP Commission yet you get poor ratings from MT Audubon, MT Sportsmen Alliance, MEIC, and NPRC! You get a 100% rating from Americans for Prosperity founded by the billionaire brothers, David and Charles Koch, who advocate taking over federal lands.
So, now tell river users and your constituents who is being political as you claim of those opposed to a bad land swap. I think it’s you, Ed Greef.
The public expects elected officials to know the facts but when they fail to do so or twist issues, there’s a reason, and usually not for the public good.
Marilyn Wolff