After reading several leftist letters to the Bitterroot Star editor, I must respond. One called Trump a racist, another suggested that “don’t just accept the rhetoric as gospel,” another doubted that Trump will ever accomplish anything of value, and another imagined how well off we would be if we ever had a Muslim president.
First, I must take issue with “don’t just accept the rhetoric as gospel.” Neither conservatives, nor liberals, have a monopoly on accepting rhetoric as fact; however, gullible people may eventually believe unsubstantiated rhetoric as fact – e.g. Trump is racist!
People who doubt that Trump will ever accomplish anything of value should watch Fox News periodically, including Sean Hannity, rather than just “Fake News!”
Lastly, the person who imagined how well off we would be if we ever had a Muslim president must not be familiar with Obama’s legacy, i.e. Obamacare, etc!
Jerry Haslip