When I was a child we were taught that mankind was 9,000 years old and descended from the apes. Back in the 70’s a Time magazine cover suggested that we might be entering another ice age.
Pardon my skepticism but from everything I have read and heard through the years, the world has been in a state of flux ever since the geologists and scientists have been able to map earth changes. I didn’t get that from the Republican Party.
I also remember good old Montana winters much like this past one and a summer in Missoula when the temperature hit 109°, easy to remember because I got the worse sunburn of my life. And so, I can accept climate change, if proven, but I will not accept that it is caused by mankind.
For every source that cites mankind for global warming there are others in the same organizations that debunk it. Meanwhile, we see someone like Al Gore becoming obscenely wealthy by touting and lecturing about global warming while maintaining a huge home and fleet of vehicles that suck up enough energy to light up all of Stevensville, Montana.
The left seems to be waging war against Christian belief. Doesn’t all of our law originate in the ten commandments? Let’s just examine one, “Thou shalt not steal.” Four simple words that Hitler ignored when he stole the lands of other nations. How about “Thou shalt not kill.” Probably the most often broken commandment of all resulting in many millions of innocent deaths–remember Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot and Mao? I might not be a church goer but I will never, ever show lack of respect for the Judeo-Christian ethics that our country was built on. While denigrating the Christian we are expected to show respect to the Muslim faith that has subjugated women, has approved stoning of women, and even murder of disobedient women.
The war against Fox cable news is ridiculous. When the mass media of CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, all are left leaning and complain that Fox is conservative, well, gee, folks, can’t we conservatives enjoy just one network?
And of course there is the never ending blather about the rich Republicans. No rich Democrats? Let’s compare a President, Donald Trump, who donated his Presidential salary to the Parks Dept., to Hillary Clinton, who gave away 20% of our uranium to Russia and shortly thereafter the Clinton Foundation received a million or so donation from Russia. The latest word on the Clinton Foundation is that it is defunct. Could it be because they no longer have influence to pedal?
The United States educational system, in my lifetime, has gone from number one in the world to far down on the list despite the fact that we spend more per student than any other country. Perhaps less money on athletics and more attention to education is in order. It is suggested that those with less than a college education are the Trump voters. From all appearances it is those attending the most revered institutions of higher education like Harvard and Columbia and Berkeley whose education is made up of a whole lot of indoctrination who become the Kool-Aid drinkers.
Joyce McConaha