Sunday July 23, 2017, 8:30 pm
There will be a public meeting on Monday, July 24, 7:00 p.m. at the Lolo Elementary School in the cafeteria and on Tuesday, July 25, 7:00 p.m. at the Stevensville High School in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Location: The fire is burning directly west of Lolo Peak between the Meadow Creek and Falls Creek drainages of the South Fork of Lolo Creek. The majority of this fire is still burning within the northern boundary of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. It has reached but not crossed the divide on the eastern boundary.
Start Date: July 15, 2017
Size: 468 acres
Percent Contained: 0
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 106
Vegetation: Whitebark pine, subalpine fir, subalpine larch, and mixed conifer
Summary: Another hot dry, day with light, westerly winds occurred over the fire area today. While the southern portion of the fire continued to back slowly down to Anderson Creek, the northwest corner of the fire was the most active today, with movement towards Falls Creek. Additionally, firefighters began work on a primary control line between the South Fork of Lolo Creek and Mill Creek. Steep and inaccessible terrain continues to create dangerous conditions on this fire so firefighters will continue to scout opportunities for additional control lines while more resources are ordered.
Closures: The Area Closure for the Lolo Peak Fire includes the following roads and trails as well as those encompassed by the area closure intersecting with open roads and trails. Mormon Peak Road (NFSR #612), South Fork Lolo Creek Road (NFSR #2160), Small Creek Road (NFSR #4292), Mill Creek Trail (NFST #1310), Sweeney Trail (NFST #393), and Bass Creek Trail (NFST #4). For specific road and trail closure information please visit the Inciweb website.
Air Operations: The fire’s condition and behavior continued to be monitored by aerial resources throughout the day. A temporary flight restriction is in effect over the fire area, and will remain in place until further notice.
Fire Prevention Message:
Is your home fire-safe? While nothing is ever fire-proof, there are some things you can do to protect your home and community now. Here are just a few actions you can take:
Clean out gutters, sweep decks and clean off your roof. These places can catch wind-driven embers that will ignite your home.
Remove leaf clutter and branches overhanging the roof. Vegetation should not touch the home.
Make sure that there are no flammable materials within 3 to 5 feet around the building.
Dispose of plant debris according to local regulations.
Keep your grass cut short and well-watered within a 30 foot radius of structures.
Store firewood away from the house.
Organize a neighborhood cleanup day. By helping your entire community, you’ll be providing better protection to yourself.
Helpful Links:
Fire Safe Montana:
Firewise Communities:
Montana DNRC:
Northern Rockies Incident Management Team
Greg Poncin, Incident Commander
Fire Information: (406) 273-8316 – 7am – 9pm
Interactive Fire Map: