In Gianforte and Quist, we see diametrically opposed viewpoints, yet both declare they’ll protect Montanans’ interests in Washington. I generally ignore the candidates’ personal lives, preferring to stick to issues, but Gianforte’s belief that the earth is only 6000 years old astonishes me, as well as his commitment to a Montana museum that depicts humans and dinosaurs living together! Nothing in the vast studies of archeology or geology supports this point of view.
He’s aligned with President Trump, who also seems unwilling to accept scientific evidence. He had all the climate change data deleted from the Environmental Protection Agency website. Now Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has reposted what was scrubbed from the EPA onto the City of Chicago’s website. “The Trump administration can attempt to erase decades of work from scientists and federal employees on the reality of climate change, but burying your head in the sand doesn’t erase the problem,” he said.
How can I trust either of these men, when they are committed to totally irrational beliefs? I prefer common sense, and I think most Montanans agree with me. Extreme viewpoints lead to extreme solutions.
Star Jameson