In response to ‘who can we trust’, you must be an atheist. Yes the earth is only 6,000 years old and there is plenty of proof to confirm that. Don’t cite carbon dating, this has been disproved by samples from Mt. St. Helens. There is more scientific evidence to prove there’s no global warming than you and your like want to believe. David Viner, who worked in research and climate change, for example told newspapers that snow would disappear, guess he never lived in Montana. You are being scammed big time! Satellites and weather balloon measurements between 1998 and 2015 show no statistically significant global warming in 2 decades.
There was a study just completed on the Arctic and they found there has been no major change in climate and also the ice in Antarctic has increased over the last 30 years.
As far as dinosaur foot prints existing with man you are wrong again because there is proof. Look for Paluxy River Texas, here you will see dinosaur foot prints along side of a man’s foot print.
You liberals want tolerance, yet you are writing to a newspaper making fun of what another believes! What kind of tolerance is that! You only want to hear your side and no one else’s. If you prefer common sense, like you say, then you need to educate yourself on the real facts so you can have some.
Dee Gibney