Valley schools are in the process of holding their annual kindergarten pre-registration events this spring.
This pre-registration is important in helping families get familiar with the school and the expectations associated with kindergarten. In addition, it helps the districts prepare for the following year in terms of numbers, which can affect many things from materials to classroom instruction.
According to Julie Bachman, kindergarten teacher at Lone Rock School, during registration children are assessed to determine if they are skill-ready for kindergarten. Helpful skills that children could practice ahead of kindergarten include putting on and taking off a coat, tying their shoes and washing their hands. Social skills could include such things as sharing, working and playing cooperatively, cleaning up after using things, and following simple instructions. Academic skills include listening to a story, using scissors, drawing a picture, counting to 10 and recognizing and writing their first name.
A copy of a birth certificate is necessary as well as immunization records. All children who will be five years old before September 10, 2017 are eligible to register. The forms can be picked up at the schools to be filled out before registration.
Registration is by appointment at the following schools.
• Lone Rock – Tuesday, March 21, 777-3314
• Hamilton – Friday, March 24, 363-2144
• Darby – Friday, April 7, 821-3841
• Florence – Wednesday, April 26, 273-6301
Corvallis and Stevensville have already held their kindergarten “roundups” but parents can still call anytime for an appointment to register. The Corvallis Primary phone number is 961-3261 and Stevensville Primary can be reached at 777-5613.
According to Sue Lane, kindergarten teacher at Victor School, Victor does a “Meet & Greet” right before school starts, where parents and students can meet classmates, teachers, and a few first graders. During the meet and greet they can do a simple art project, enjoy a snack on the playground, and parents have a change to mingle with last year’s parents.
“This has been a fun way for kids and parents to dip their toes into the kindergarten experience,” said Lane, and makes the first day of school much less stressful.
However, parents are still encouraged to come in the spring and register their child for kindergarten at the school office located at 425 4th Street in Victor. They may come in at their convenience but they should bring a copy of their child’s immunization record and birth certificate.
Parents may call 642-3221 and ask to speak with Ms. Lane if they have any questions.