By Michael Howell
Ground was broken last Sunday in the Twin Creeks subdivision for a Habitat for Humanity home to be built in the Twin Creeks subdivision in Stevensville. It is the second Habitat for Humanity home to be built in the subdivision, the fourth to be built in Stevensville and the tenth to be built in Ravalli County.
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit Christian housing ministry “committed to giving hardworking, low-income people a hand up, not a hand out.” According to executive director Mike Kibler, the organization was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all.
Kibler said that his organization relies heavily on partnerships in the community with businesses, churches and individuals to make these homes possible. He made special mention of Robin Goodwin, Clint Summers and Justin Sanders from the Missoula Federal Credit Union who attended the groundbreaking, saying, “Without their partnership we would not be here today.”
Bill Goslin, who serves on the Family Selection Committee for Habitat, noted that for a family to be selected by Habitat, “there has to be a need, they need to be in a certain income bracket, and they have to have the ability to pay.”
“These homes are not given away,” said Goslin. “There is a 30 year mortgage and taxes to pay.” There also has to be a willingness to partner with Habitat. 250 volunteer hours are required from the potential homeowner or 500 hours for a couple. In this case, he said, the Ballas family had already put in more than half their hours working at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Sale Store and at another home under construction by Habitat.
Habitat for Humanity Board President David Haywood said at the groundbreaking that this is the third Habitat home to be built in the last four months.
“We are going full steam ahead in Ravalli County,” said Haywood, “We are really building some momentum.”
Habitat for Humanity is currently looking for the next partner family for a home to be built in Darby in the fall of 2017. Application deadline is this Thursday, March 30. Call 375-1926 or stop in at 131 Old Corvallis Road, Hamilton.