By Michael Howell
Longtime Garden Club Member and park lover Jean Thomas, who recently passed away, designated the Town of Stevensville as beneficiary to her estate, noting that the funds were for “beautification of the Town of Stevensville’s parks.”
According to Town Clerk Stacy Bartlett, the town has only been notified that it is a beneficiary. The amount will be determined when the estate is actually dispersed by the court in March.
“That’s when we will be notified about the amount and then the funds will probably be received in April,” said Bartlett.
The Council took the action of establishing a special fund, called the Jean Thomas Park Beautification Fund, to ensure, according to Mayor Jim Crews, that the money will not be spent on anything else.
The Council passed a budget resolution authorizing amendment of the 2016/2017 budget for acceptance of Growth Policy Update Grant Funds for a total of $33,000. This includes the $6,000 CDBG Planning Grant for updating the Growth Policy and a $27,000 Mt. Department of Commerce Grant to do the update. Expenditure of the planning grants had not been included in the budget.
The Council approved the transfer of a land lease at the airport from Max Dowling to Donald Whitehair Jr.
The Council gave a nod of approval for the Planning and Zoning Board to proceed with its efforts at soliciting the services of a contract zoning administrator. The mayor currently serves as the back-up Zoning Administer. According to the mayor, the position would potentially require some office space, a phone and a computer in addition to the cost of the hours worked.
Councilor Robin Holcomb said that the cost was her biggest concern.
Mayor Crews said that he had not yet analyzed the budget for funds to put towards the position.
The consensus was that the Planning and Zoning Board would make inquiries with people working in existing positions in other jurisdictions and see what the cost of part-time help might be.
The Council entertained Fire Chief Jeff Motley’s request that they consider changing their meeting date from Thursday evening to some other evening so that he could host a training session on Thursday for Fire Department personnel on that evening. There was some discussion about what that would involve and the matter was tabled.
The Council also approved the Mayor’s appointment of CFO Roxanne Wagner as the Human Resources officer for the town.
The Council approved a job description for a part-time Building Inspector. Funds for hiring some part time help in the Building Department are available in the budget.
The Council approved at its previous meeting and a bit belatedly, the 2016-2017 plans and budgets for both the Tax Increment Financing District (TIFD) on the north end of town and the Targeted Economic Development District (TEDD) at the airport. Both districts are governed by a special joint TIFD-TEDD Advisory Board appointed by the Stevensville Town Council. The joint board has no policy making powers nor can it enter into contracts; that power is reserved for the Council. Appointed members of the board include Councilor Robin Holcomb, Planning and Zoning Board member John Kellogg, citizen members Terri Nickless, Bill Perrin and Nathan Bean, Airport Board representative Craig Thomas; and RCEDA executive director Julie Foster.
The work plan for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 includes debt service assistance from TEDD funds for the airport runway expansion project; construction of a restroom, lounge w/shower, and potable water that passes MT DEQ public water and wastewater requirements; paved parking for 21 spaces at potential USFS site and adjacent hanger apron; potential for 15 permanent USFS jobs and 3 private sector jobs; a marketing event to promote the District and awareness of job opportunities within the District. The event would also promote the opportunities at the manufacturers clustered outside of the District. The event would be aimed at those in high school as well as adults; community outreach and events with a focus on the airport; as well as an RV and camping facility for those flying in/out with a need for overnight stay.
The TEDD budget income for the year begins with $9,600 carried forward and another $4,000 in projected revenue for a total income of $13,600. Budgeted expenses include $70,000 in debt service for runway reconstruction and $900 for use of a pilot’s shower and bathroom provided by Rick Perry. This leaves the airport budget $57,300 in the hole. Other sources “of potential leverage income” are listed as $139,900 in potential loans and grants.
The North Stevensville TIFD plans include continuing work to develop a site plan for the District. The site plan will become part of the marketing content for the District and continuing work on a feasibility study for the development of a light industrial enterprise center in the District. Many of the light industrial businesses in the community have moved from place to place in search of fulfilling their facility needs. The time gap between outgrowing an existing space and finding appropriate space can cause a variety of hardships for a small business. Plans also include: develop web site content specific to the District and participate in the cost of a website page that will market the District. It also includes a marketing event to promote the District and awareness of job opportunities within the District.
The TIFD budget includes $67,400 in income carried forward plus $24,577 in estimated income form tax increment increases for total income of $92,000. Budgeted costs include $5,000 for a blight redevelopment project, $5,000 to develop a site map for the district, $500 as cost share of a shareable website, and a $5,000 feasibility study for total expenses projected at $15,500, for a total net income of $76,500. No loan program has been established yet to provide funding for additional proposed projects.