Last week, Governor Steve Bullock joined over 1,000 Montanans in sending a message to the Legislature and Washington D.C. that public lands belong to everyone, Montanans and Americans alike. The crowd included Montana sportsmen and women, conservationists, and outdoor recreation and tourism business owners.
“It’s time we send a message that proposals to transfer our public lands have no place in this building and no place in Montana,” Bullock told the crowd. “And not only do the leaders in Montana need to hear this. We need our voice to rise from this building and be heard all the way in Washington DC. They need to hear that these lands belong to every Montanan and every American.”
Governor Bullock recently participated as a keynote in a new Colorado College State of the Rockies Project Conservation in the West Poll that confirmed overwhelming support for public lands and outdoor recreation in the Mountain West. The poll showed that 88% of Montanans support improving access to public lands.
“Public lands drive our economy and define our way of life in Montana and in surrounding states,” said Bullock. “We have too much to lose if we allow these national treasures to be put at risk.”
Bullock has been tapped by the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC) to be the Democratic Co-Chair and to bring Montana’s strong sense of outdoor heritage to the bipartisan national organization.
“Protecting public lands and access to them is an issue that transcends party politics,” said Bullock. “It isn’t about Democrats, Republicans or Independents – it’s about doing what’s right for everyone who enjoys the outdoors.”
Governor Bullock and fellow Montanans were highlighted in national news when a federal bill to sell off public lands was withdrawn, in part because of pushback from Montanans during the public lands rally at the Montana State Capitol.