I just read that congress is looking for 12-15 billion dollars to fund Trump’s wall. It’s hard not to imagine both senators and representatives scouring the Capitol on hands and knees and peering intently through their bifocals into janitor closets and behind staircases. I hope what I’m seeing in my mind’s eye turns out to be alternative fact.
I also read, but less recently, that the prevailing flow between Mexico and our country runs from north to south. Apparently it’s easier to make a living south of the border. Additionally, I’ve read that tunnels already exist below the Rio Grande in warren-like mazes obviating the need to cut through fences or swim to enter the US illegally from the south. The reporting on this claimed to be non-alternative fact.
Most recently I heard quoted some Texas politician–perhaps the governor, I’m not sure, but what difference does that make–who said a wall would be the least efficient means to check illegal border crossings. Could this be an alternative fact released to in-fact aid illegal border crossings? I just can’t decide.
I might suggest this to the president: ask all those billionaires you’ve said you know so well, and who would be hiring us all soon anyway, to invest in the wall’s construction. These folks wouldn’t need to crawl around on the floor, ruining their clothes, looking for the change congress will shortly want to “borrow” from education, health care, housing, and social security.
So. How can we, the common people, position ourselves to reap the rewards of the coming affluence? If there’s a vo-tech in your area I’d suggest getting down there pronto. Enroll in a welding class.
Bain Robinson