I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the Classified section of your newspaper. Once again, I struck gold there, with the ad titled “Free Young Cats,” who were billed as excellent potential mousers. My current feline had caught only one live mouse before retiring in 2009, and has since become addicted to canned Mouse Helper. I doubt he could catch a roast duck on a skateboard now, let alone train a young apprentice to hunt mice.
Within 48 hours, the one I adopted had efficiently tagged and bagged a rodent, likely the same one responsible for desecrating a prized Jerry Garcia tie. Named for his nonstop purring, Motorhead further endeared himself by locating the catbox on arrival, to my immense relief.
I am deeply grateful for his presence here. Perhaps he will set an example for my older cat, to help him get off welfare.
Geoffrey Taylor
Note: Previous owner of this wonderful cat informs us that there are two of his litter mates still available for adoption, one male and one female. Great gift idea! Call Victoria at 207-8793 for more information.