I can’t believe the post antics that are pathetically being played out across the country. When Obama won twice I didn’t see the right acting like spoiled babies who are not getting their way whining and throwing huge temper tantrums. I have read crazy things the left are doing and saying that just makes me think they are unglued in the head. If this is any example of what socialist Hillary would have been like I thank God she didn’t win.
I have seen videos of people screaming they want to die and using abusive language toward the right. I saw other people rioting in the streets which only hurts themselves so that doesn’t make sense. People are saying they are going to Canada, if that be so, GO. One person wrote “die white die” as if other ethnic groups didn’t vote for Trump. There was a video of two men beating another telling him not to vote for Trump. How low has the left sunk! My personal favorite was classes were cancelled at one college to allow students to cope with the shock of Hillary losing. How dumb is that! Really! Please tell me not all Democrats are this immature. Grow up! You are adults, now act like it.
Let us concentrate on moving forward and healing this country. We are all Americans first, not black, white, Hispanic, Indian or whatever. We all live here and we need to be proud of it and start the job of focusing on real issues of life that will have this country great once again.
Dee Gibney