November 8 could be the most important election in the lives of our descendants. They are the ones who will be most affected by our massive debt and leaders who either are becoming more and more powerful or who want to put the power back into the hands of the people.
Think long and hard about your vote. In the guise of humanity and charity giveaway programs buy votes for the so-called benefactors. And now “free” education through university level is being advocated by Hillary Clinton. There is no such thing as free. At the rate we are going our great grandchildren will be paying for the education of their great grandparents!
The Clintons’ malfeasance goes back 30 years. The list is long and involves both Bill and Hillary. Perhaps through the internet you could find these named scandals: Whitewater, Rose Law Firm, Travelgate plus the Pay for Play, E-Mail and Clinton Foundation now. Because the mainstream media is solidly behind Hillary you might tune in Fox to get the full story.
Twice Hillary has taken possession of White House furniture, silver and china, artifacts by law belonging to the American people. She had to return it.
Trump says the vote is rigged and for good reason. How can a candidate fight the overwhelming bias of the media? How can the minority party (Republican) fight an Attorney General that rules that a state cannot ask for voter ID? There exist records of 1.8 million voters who are dead, others registered in two states and non-citizen voters.
The present Administration and Hillary want open borders and no voter identification which could add 14 million voters to the Democrats. That 14 million is the estimated number of illegals in the U.S.
Add up the foregoing two paragraphs and add whatever giveaway programs the Democrats can come up with and how long will it be before we have lost our very tenuous two-party system to an autocratic Democratic Party?
I do believe that those who vote for the Democrats are innocent of the power grab of their party and want to care for mankind But, I would beg of them to consider what I have said.
Hillary Clinton is a 30-year politician, well experienced as shown in her polished, articulate debate and expertise in dodging questions she doesn’t want to answer. A well documented liar. Her experience shows that she can campaign but who can list her accomplishments?
Donald Trump is transparent. He does foolishly call names and makes statements that he simply doesn’t expand on. The press pounces as in his statement that he would wait to see if he would accept the outcome of the election. He later explained that if voter fraud was a factor, he would fight it. If that does happen to be the case, I think it is way past due time to clean up our voter registration and establish a system whereby we prove our right to vote.
One last thought. There is salacious scandal and there is truth. The Clintons have been involved in many scandals, salacious and political, and that is the truth. Trump would have to go a long way to meet their record.
Joyce McConaha