I would like to reply to Grace Wilson’s letter “If you do not like Trump” printed in the Bitterroot Star on October 12. I feel she and I want the same thing for our country but this is how we differ.
I have often thought we pull God down to our level so we can even begin to understand him. God said he had created us in his image. He made us with a brain and set the Ten Commandments as a guideline to live by.
God has a lot on his plate, ISIS, Russia, North Korea, the horrible carnage in Syria, Zika virus, the high incidence of veteran and teenage suicides. Natural disasters have to be causing him a nightmare.
I would like to think that God might look up on Trump as rather trite. God has given us the tools to work with to solve the Trump problem. If Trump were elected I wonder if he would look upon the White House as another Trump Tower. Would this be how he would create more jobs? I hope we do not have to find out.
Lori Ortiz