The dirty little secret has surfaced: an old photo has surfaced of Adolf Hitler meeting with Haj Amin al Hussein. The outcome of that clandestine meeting reveals that the result was a demon possessed anti-Semitic agreement between radical Islam and the German Nazi Party. The goal would be: wipe out all Jews (Europe & the Middle East). Today radical Islam shares that goal.
Wait a minute! The brainwashed P.C. crowd will blubber about this revelation: “But Islam is a religion of peace.” Know what? This is head-in-the-sand denial poppycock!
Open your eyes and mind to what these schemers plan:
1. Tenet – “Hejira” – the overwhelming of another culture (Europe ?)
2. Tenet – “Da’wa” – cultural infiltration by which a country’s laws are used against it to promote the ascendancy of Islamic law and life
3. Tenet – “Jihad” – subjugation of “infidels” – taxes, exile, persecution, conversion or death.
Now do you get it?
One hundred percent of my sympathy goes to the poor people in the Near East: refugees, the truly peaceful Muslins (the sadistic ISIS kill them through beheadings, torture, then the “final solution,” children being put in cages and burned alive or buried up to their heads in sand, ad nauseum.
Get it?
Bruce King