I ran across an interesting quote that you all may find worth pondering if even for a moment. “For the Greeks, dia-logos, flow of meaning, was seen as a cornerstone of civic practice, inseparable from self-governing. The polis or gathering place for governing, the root of our modern politics, was nothing but a physical space that designated and enabled the conversational space required for true self-governing. The capacity for talking together constituted the foundation for democracy, far more fundamental than voting. As one ancient Greek philosopher noted, ‘When voting started, democracy ended.’”
“In a sense we are running an historic social experiment today. We are experimenting with whether or not a society can hold itself together without the core process that has always bound societies, the process of conversation.” This quote is from the book, “Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together.”
The sad part of all of this for me is that our society is fragmenting and yet we keep fighting. Is this really the way to a healthy community or nation or world? I say the current experiment has failed, and it is far past time to start the conversation. Are you willing?
I do realize the Constitution established a Republic. I also realize most people today think we live in a democracy. Neither is the reality and neither work any longer. We live in a different world today. I am a-political and want nothing to do with the charade we all see on the media. “The Prince” by Machiavelli explained it perfectly in the 1500s. It is no different today. I am, however, always ready for a healthy conversation.
Let’s start talking and build a healthy community.
Chris Martin