Thursday, September 8
Women’s Newcomers’ Club
Are you new to the Bitterroot Valley? Have you been here for awhile and would just like to meet new people? If so, the Bitterroot Women’s Newcomers Club welcomes you to the next meeting, Thursday, September 8, 10 a.m. until 12 noon at the First Christian Church, 328 Fairgrounds Road in Hamilton. After a short business meeting there will be a discussion of the valley’s diverse and multiple specialty clubs. If you have an interest in crafts, cards, sewing, clay shooting, bunco, hiking, etc, Bitterroot Women Newcomers has the means to provide this for you. After the meeting there will be a no host luncheon. For more information call Deb Tennant at 503-871-9249.
Masonic Lodge #38
Ionic Lodge #38 will hold the monthly Stated Communications Meeting on Thursday, September 8 (second Thursday) at the Lodge in Hamilton, 115 S. 3rd Street. A light meal will be served in the Lodge dining hall at 6:30 p.m. with the Stated Communications meeting to begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. Sojourners (visiting Brothers) will be provided assistance if their Masonic work is a little rusty. For further information contact Rick Laible at (406) 531-4456,
Fellowship Club
The Bitterroot Public Library’s Fellowship Club will be meeting on Thursday, September 8 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to discuss the book “Peace in the Present Moment” by Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie.
Conceived by award winning photographer Michele Penn, “Peace in the Present Moment” combines quotes from Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” and Byron Katie’s “A Thousand Names for Joy” with detailed, vibrant pictures of nature’s most colorful and inspiring gift, the flower – one of the central metaphors in Tolle’s teachings.
Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie are two renowned spiritual teachers and the authors of several bestselling books.
The Fellowship Club meets every second Thursday of the month in the West Meeting Room of the Bitterroot Public Library and is free and open to anyone seeking to promote individual and collective well being. Call 363-1670, or email for more information.
Stevensville Town Council
The Stevensville Town Council will meet Thursday, September 8 at 7 p.m. at the town hall, 206 Buck, Stevensville. Agenda items include discussion/decision on Resolution No. 389 to adopt the FY16-17 Budget for the Town of Stevensville, discussion/decision to approve a Special Event Permit for 2016 Founder’s Day Event, discussion/decision on Resolution No. 390, Determining salaries and compensation of elected and appointed officers for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, discussion/decision to change the Human Resource Supervisor job position to Human Resource Representative, removing management responsibilities, discussion/decision to modify the Mayor’s position description to Include Airport Manager when necessary,/decision on change the General Services Clerk position description to reflect the change in reporting relationship, and to modify the Memorandum of Understanding between the Mayor, Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Department, to name a few.
Saturday, September 10
Cowboy Music & Poetry
An Afternoon of Cowboy Music & Poetry will be held Saturday, September 10 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Ravalli County Museum. Experience the cowboy way in this afternoon of cowboy music and poetry. Kick up your boots and sit under the maple trees and enjoy a cold drink and delicious food. Listen to a few yarns and tales gracefully told by cowboy poets. The art of yodeling and some good cowboy pickin’ will also be heard! Tickets are $10 for members and $12 for non members. Contact the Museum at 363-3338 for more information.
Retro Bash for Emma’s House
On Saturday, September 10th, Emma’s House will hold its annual fundraiser, a Retro Bash for Emma’s House, at the 1st Interstate Center at the Ravalli County fairgrounds. The evening will include an organic dinner by the Zen Kitchen, live music by Shakewell, local talent, live and silent auction and no host bar. There will also be a select clothing sale, a photo booth and a chance to meet Twyla, the facility dog. Attorney General Tim Fox is scheduled to attend and speak, along with child abuse survivor, Tara Walker Lyons. Event sponsors cocktail hour starts at 5:30 p.m. and general admission is at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 and available at Chapter One Bookstore and online at
Emma’s House Children’s Advocacy Center has recently purchased the building that it has been renting for 10 years. Emma’s House is launching a capital campaign to expand the facility.
Sunday, September 11
Accordion jams
Five Valley Accordion Club will hold an accordion jam and dance on Sundays, September 11 and 25 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the rustic Hut in Florence. Admission is $4 at the door. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to come enjoy the music.
Monday, September 12
Green Thumbs Up
Green Thumbs Up Garden Club will meet Monday, September 12 at 2 p.m. in the downstairs meeting room of the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton. Master Gardener Molly Hackett, author of the ‘Dirty Fingernails’ newspaper column, will show how to grow tomatoes all winter as indoor house plants. Potting soil, pots, and seeds will be available to get people started. Following the presentation, there will be a question-and-answer session on fall gardening topics, and everyone is encouraged to bring questions. Green Thumbs Up meetings are free and open to the public. For more information call Karen at 381-1395.
Soccer signups
Registration for Kiwanis soccer (grades 1-6) and co-ed Middle School soccer grades 7-8 is underway. Registration is online at, click on the Rec Programs tab. There will be assistance with online registration on Monday, September 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Big Creek Coffee, corner of 3rd and Main in Hamilton. Practices will begin mid-September. Volunteers are also needed for coaching or assisting.
Tuesday, September 13
Fermentation Basics
Learn how fermentation can preserve your goods at the North Valley Public Library on Tuesday, September 13 from 6 to 7 p.m. Fermentation is a process in which food is preserved with the use of beneficial bacteria, a method that has been utilized for thousands of years. This class will cover the basics of fermentation, and demonstrate how easy it is to create your own culinary delights including kombucha, kefir, kimchi, pickles, and sauerkraut. The North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
Wednesday, September 14
Lolo food drive
The Lolo Senior Citizens group is holding a food drive on Wednesday, September 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lolo Harvest Foods. All food collected will be delivered to the Lolo Food Bank. Non-perishable food only. For more information contact Eileen Nelson, 529-1819.
Lolo Creek presentation
A presentation on “Lolo Creek Dewatering: Linking Evidence Through Surface and Groundwater Data” will take place on Wednesday, September 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Traveler’s Rest State Park in Lolo. The Lolo Watershed Group will share important research information about Lolo Creek and its watershed. The event will feature short presentations by various organizations currently conducting research on surface and groundwater in the Lolo Creek drainage. These organizations include the Department of Natural Resources, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Clark Fork Coalition, and the University of Montana.
“Representatives from our partnership organizations will discuss their initial efforts in data collection and what this initial data shows us about the Lolo Creek Watershed,” said Michele Landquist, LWG Board Member. “Please attend so you will learn first-hand about the research being done in the Lolo Watershed and what it might mean for you.”
Free refreshments will be provided.
Zen Buddism Class
A class on Buddhism will be held Wednesday, September 14 (2nd and 4th Wednesdays) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Center for Spiritual Living, 1720 N. First Street, Suite C (Selway Commons) in Hamilton. Listen to talks by various Buddhist teachers, starting with Anam Thubten, author of “No Self, No Problem” and “The Magic of Awareness,” who came to the U.S. from Tibet and who speaks very good English. Listen, discuss, and then sit in meditation for a time, led by Jill Davies (642-3601). Donations accepted.