It is with sincere gratitude that the Volunteer Board of the Ravalli County Museum says THANK YOU to the Ravalli County voters for supporting the Museum in its request for financial support. By voting for the passage of the mill levy you provided the Museum a reliable income stream equal to one third of its budget to perform its mission of acquiring, preserving, displaying, educating and informing the people of Ravalli County and Montana.
Nothing will noticeably change at the Museum except the longterm reserves will not be totally depleted. The Museum will still need all of you to continue to buy memberships, attend fundraisers, make donations and bequests, make purchases in the gift shop; in effect, give of your time, talent and treasure to keep the Museum viable for today and generations to come.
So again, thank you, and visit the Museum soon.
Wayne Hedman, Treasurer
Ravalli County Museum and Historical Society