Despite days of opposing testimony from Fish, Wildlife and Parks, the scientific community, river front property owners and concerned citizens, the County Commissioners, including JR Iman and Greg Chilcott, voted in 2015 to repeal our longstanding flood plain regulations and allow building IN the flood plain.
One scientist compared building in the flood plain to setting up your tent in the middle of the highway when no cars are coming!
Still, JR Iman and Greg Chilcott voted to allow people to build homes and install septic components within the flood plain!
Chris Hoffman is against building in the flood plain for obvious reasons: public health and safety, keeping our river clean and keeping our tourism growing, to name a few.
Thanks, Chris Hoffman. You’ve done a good job for us as sheriff and now it’s time to bring your common sense to the County Commission.
Please vote for Chris Hoffman for County Commissioner on June 7.
Andy Roubik