I have worked with Gail Gutsche in one capacity or another for more than 20 years. Most of that time was spent promoting policy and programs that protected women and their families from the ravages of environmental degradation. I don’t know anyone who is as committed to a cleaner environment, and more specifically to a cleaner energy future than Gail. I also don’t know anyone with more integrity. That is why I wholeheartedly support her candidacy for the Public Service Commission (PSC).
I have watched firsthand as she stood up for protecting our wild lands and wildlife; for improving river habitat; for eliminating harmful pesticides; and the transition to renewable energy during her numerous years working in the non-profit world, eight years serving in the House of Representatives and during her term on the PSC. That’s not all. She has also championed the rights of women, workers and low-income people.
Gail is always on the right side of the right issues, especially when it comes to conservation and protecting the environment. Her extensive legislative know-how and policy-making experience, plus a term on the PSC under her belt, put her head and shoulders above the other Democrats running for election to this office in the Primary.
Another thing that sets Gail apart from her competitors, she has a tremendous ability to work across the aisle, a skill exemplified by her partnership on the PSC with Commissioner Travis Kavulla (R-Great Falls). Working with another Democratic commissioner, the trio formed a bi-partisan majority that brought clean, renewable wind on-line and bolstered energy conservation. Gail honed her skills working with Republicans during her tenure in the legislature where she passed numerous bills with their help. Yet she never compromises her principals or values. In my opinion, Montana could use a lot more bi-partisanship right now.
Political acumen, uncompromising principles, and a clear vision towards moving us to a cleaner energy future! That’s what you get with Gail Gutsche. Please join me in voting for Gail for PSC on June 7th.
Bryony Schwan