Wednesday, June 15
Farmers Market Coupon program
Senior Farmers Market Coupons will be available when you pick up your commodities next week OR in Stevensville on Wednesday, June 15 at 10:30 a.m. at the Lewis and Clark Park. You can also come to the Council on Aging on Friday, June 17 from 1 to 5 p.m. Staff will be at the Hamilton Farmers Market on Saturday, June 18. Remember, coupons are limited. Plan to spend a couple of minutes to complete an application and bring proof of income.
Zika presentation
Dr. Marshall Bloom of the Rocky Mountain Laboratory in Hamilton will present a free lecture, “Zika Virus Pandemic: A Moving Target,” on Wednesday, June 15 at 6 p.m. at the Darby Library. All are welcome.
Storytelling series
Montana State Parks will be hosting Summer Storytelling at Holt Visitor Center at Travelers’ Rest State Park, 6717 Highway 12 W, Lolo on Wednesday, June 15 at 7 p.m. with Tom Schenarts telling stories about “Women of the Corps of Discovery.” The cost is $5 per adult; free for members of the Travelers’ Rest Preservation & Heritage Association.
Additional presenters:
July 27th – Dawn Dambach, The Beginning is the Best Place to Start: Stevensville
August 17th – Kate Davis, Raptors of the Rockies
For more information call the Holt Visitor Center at 273-4253.
Thursday, June 16
Lone Rock park board
The Lone Rock Division of the Ravalli County Park Board will meet Thursday, June 16 at 7 a.m. at the Three Mile Fire Hall. The public is welcome.
Lunch Time Learning
The third installment in the Affordable Meal Series will be held Thursday, June 16 at 12 noon at The O’Hara Commons, 111 S. Fourth Street, Hamilton. The topic will be the many uses and nutritional benefits of leafy greens. This time of year gardeners have a surplus of lettuce, spinach, kale, arugula and beet greens. These crops are affordable at farmers markets, grocery stores and they fill CSA boxes. Let us get creative! Free and open to the public. For more information call 369-6451 or visit the website:
Lunch and Learn
Bob Danley from the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge will be the guest speaker at a Lunch and Learn event on Thursday, June 16 at 12 noon in the North Valley Public Library’s community room, 208 Main, Stevensville. Come and hear all about the wonderful birds and animals that live in the refuge or just come for a visit. Bob has all the inside information and presents a very entertaining “show and tell.” Bring your lunch if you wish and dessert and beverages will be provided. Lunch and Learn is sponsored by the Friends of the North Valley Public Library.
Back Country Horsemen
Bitter Root Back Country Horsemen begin their first outdoor meeting of the summer on Thursday, June 16, at Rock Creek Horse Camp (site 3) at Lake Como. Potluck dinner begins at 6:30 and the general meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. Bring your own beverage and a chair. Program speaker is Christy Duggan from the Ravalli County Weed District. She will discuss the booklet she produced entitled “Plants Toxic to Horses” that will be available to purchase for $2. Guests are welcome and for directions to the horse camp or other information, call Karen at 961-0101 or check the website at and look under Trails & Camp Info.
Friday, June 17
Museum rummage sale
The Stevensville Historical Museum will hold its annual rummage sale on Friday and Saturday, June 17 and 18 on the museum grounds at 517 Main. Donations of good used items are needed. This is an easy way to support the Stevensville Historical Museum in its effort to preserve and protect local history. Call 777-3201 or 777-5126 to make arrangements for delivery of your donations or drop off donations at the museum on Wednesday and Thursday, June 15 and 16, from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
North Valley Pachyderm Club
The North Valley Pachyderm Club will meet Friday, June 17 at 12 noon at The Frontier Café, Hwy 93 in Stevensville. Guest speaker will be state legislator Matt Rosendale who is running for State Auditor. The North Valley Pachyderm Club is an educational arm of the Republican Party. All are welcome.
Spaghetti dinner
Will you and your family be hungry Friday, June 17, at 6:30? Do you love spaghetti? If the answer is yes to both questions, come to a free dinner at Our Savior Lutheran Church on Pine Hollow Road in Stevensville. This community event is sponsored by a grant from Thrivent Financial, a Christian fraternal insurance and investment company which provides funds to members to raise awareness for projects in the community or in the world that are important to that member. After the event Thrivent also makes a donation to the member’s project. Thus, the reason the Thrivent members of Our Savior will be serving your family a free spaghetti dinner. The charitable project currently identified for funding is the Orphan Grain Train “Undie Sunday” drive. Orphan Grain Train is a world-wide Christian charity that shows up at refugee camps, famines, and earthquake, flood, tornado and hurricane disasters, providing food, shelter and comfort to victims. The agency has found that donations of clothes and shoes are usually sufficient, but that socks and underwear have to be purchased. It was suggested that churches could encourage members to bring new socks and underwear in all sizes, all ages, to fill Orphan Grain Train’s need. In that way more of the funds can to food, shelter and medical supplies. The sponsor of this event wanted to send even more underwear, so she organized this event. If you feel moved to bring a package of socks or underwear to the event, you may, but this is no condition of entrance. The meal is still free.
But there’s still more fun. If you love to show off your culinary skills, if you have a grandmother who imparted her killer spaghetti sauce recipe, this is your chance to shine. Bring a small pot of your sauce to be judged against the others that will challenge you. Be warned, however, that several of Our Savior’s women have been perfecting their sauces for years at frequent potlucks. See if you and Grandma can out-cook them.
Our Savior, located at 184 Pine Hollow Road, is affiliated with the Lutheran Church––Missouri Synod. To track down your dinner, head south from Stevensville on the Eastside Highway. A mile and a little past Burnt Fork Market, turn east on Pine Hollow. Cross the tracks and the canal, and the church will be on your left, marked by three crosses.
Saturday, June 18
Archery Shoot
The Bitterroot Valley Archery Club and the King’s Christian Church are co-sponsoring the 2nd Annual King’s Mountain 3-D Archery Shoot on Saturday, June 18 on The King’s Christian Church property at 9830 Valley Grove Drive, Lolo (1 mile north of Lolo on Hwy 93). The cost is $10.00 and registration starts at 8 a.m. Archers may shoot from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are plans for thirty 3-D targets to be set up with a unique scoring system. Each adult registration includes chances for raffles and prizes. Kids can shoot for free and a supervised nursery and playground is available for children. A concession stand will be available for snacks and lunch. This will be fun for the whole family. For more information, call Bitterroot Valley Archery Club at 241-4176 or The King’s Christian Church at 273-0682.
First-time Homebuyer Class
A nationally-certified First-Time Homebuyer Group Education class is scheduled for Saturday, June 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Bitterroot Valley Board of Realtors office, 224 N. 4th Street, Hamilton. The charge is $50 per household and includes the mandatory one-on-one counseling session to be completed prior to attending the group class. Attendance the full day and the one-on-one counseling session are required for certification. Payment in full is required by Tuesday, June 7 at 3:30 p.m. to confirm your reservation. Phone 363-5450 to make your reservations today. Payment can be made with a check, credit or debit card, or cash. The office is located at 1709 N. 1st Street in Hamilton.
The class is presented by Sara Ann Briggs, who is certified in four areas of housing counseling from the NeighborWorks Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling: Pre-purchase group education, one-on-one counseling, financial counseling, and post-purchase group education. The Bitter Root RC&D offers these programs, including the required follow-up counseling for eHome participants.
The class is structured to help novice homebuyers maneuver through the entire process of homeownership and includes information on financial products exclusive to Montana first-time homebuyers. Attendance entitles participants to additional individual financial counseling and post-purchase counseling, at no extra charge. People seeking to purchase their first home should take the class prior to seeing a lender or real estate agent, as the class will provide information on how to shop for both, what questions to ask, and what assistance is available to first-time homebuyers for down payments, closing costs, and more.
Rummage sale
Stevensville United Methodist Church will hold its annual yard sale/rummage sale/garage sale (call it whatever you want) on Saturday, June 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church’s Fellowship Hall and parking lot, corner of 3rd and College. It is a joint effort of the UM Women’s and UM Men’s organizations to raise funds to support missionary projects of Local, District and International ministries. Absolutely no “early birds” allowed.
Kids journaling
A free journaling event for kids will be held Saturday, June 18 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Ravalli County Museum, 205 Bedford in Hamilton. Come and make your own journal to hold all of your fun memories! In history people would keep all sorts of journals which would allow us to look back in time. They would write about everything from what they did that day to what school was like. Let’s leave our own mark for history! For more information call the museum at 363-3338.
O’Hara Commons open house
The O’Hara Commons & Sustainability Center, 111 S. 4th, Hamilton, will hold a Garden Party & Open House on Saturday, June 18 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Refreshments, lawn games, and prizes. Come visit, see the progress on the Kid’s Organic Garden, learn about the Seed Library, enjoy some garden talk, tour the grounds and enroll your kids into Curiosity Camps Summer Programs. A fun start to Father’s Day weekend. For more information call 406-369-6451 or visit
Artists Quick Draw Contest
River’s Mist Gallery will be holding a Quick Draw Competition during Western Heritage Days on Saturday, June 18 from 1 to 2 p.m. Watch as artists create works in front of your eyes, with only one hour to complete their art before it is available for sale. The gallery is located at 317 Main, Stevensville.
Labyrinth Solstice event
Celebrate the beginning of summer at the annual Summer Solstice event on Saturday, June 18 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Redsun Labyrinth, 1802 Pleasant View Drive, Victor. Luminarias will be lighted and remain lit until midnight. This is an outdoor event and weather dependent. For more information, visit
Sunday, June 19
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living hosts I Serenity presenting “The Magnificence of Men” on Sunday, June 19 at 10 a.m. Enjoy a morning of great music, sharing, and inspiration as June’s theme of Opening to Greater Expression of Spirit continues. Children’s program provided. Special music with LeGrande Harvey. Come early for Meditation at 9:30 a.m. Refreshments and conversation follow at 11:15. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For further information call Dave at 381-2355 or visit
Monday, June 20
Babysitter Boot Camp
Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital is offering Babysitter Boot Camp. This is a 5-day boot camp that begins on Monday, June 20, held daily from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and is located in conference rooms B and C. Babysitter Boot Camp is for children ages 11-13 years old and includes an array of instructors including an Emergency Medical Technician, Police Officer, Fireman, Infectious Disease Nurse, and others. During this camp the future babysitters will learn safe and nurturing child care techniques, behavior management skills, and appropriate responses to medical emergencies. Each day has a different focus; Monday is expectations of babysitter, Tuesday is safety and nutrition, Wednesday is first-aid and hand hygiene, Thursday is CPR training, and Friday is quiz and wrap up. Boot Camp fee is $40.00, call 375-4654 to register today. Space is limited. For more information visit
Youth History Camp
“People, Places and Things” is the theme of this summer’s Daly Mansion Youth History Camp. Campers will take an imaginary journey to the past and recreate characters from the Daly family and staff. There will be lots of hands on activities and crafts relating to the theme. Plans are underway for horseback rides and games that reflect the past and present. A day of field trips to Traveler’s Rest and Fort Missoula are on the schedule. The dates of camp are Monday, June 20 to Thursday, June 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A sack lunch is provided daily. On Thursday evening there will be an ice cream social for the families of the campers and a re-enactment presented by the campers. Cost is $100 per camper. Call the Mansion to request a registration form, 363-6004 ext 2#. Camp is for children entering 4th-8th grade in the fall of 2016.
Rotary Club
Scott Raveling, a Physical Therapist at the Marcus Daly Rehabilitation Department, will be the third speaker in the Hamilton Rotary Club series on “All things Rehab” at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital on Monday, June 20 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st, Hamilton. Scott will be speaking about the benefits of continuity of care after a joint replacement, including what to expect, length of stay, inpatient therapy, and more. The meeting is open to the public. For further Rotary Club information call 363-2960.
Amateur Radio Club
The Bitterroot Amateur Radio Club (BARC) meets Monday, June 20 at 7 p.m. at BJ’s Restaurant in Hamilton. The meeting is open to the public and visitors are encouraged. Many people who are interested in getting into Ham Radio and emergency communications begin by visiting or joining the club. This month’s meeting will be about the upcoming field day June 25-26 demonstrating field and battery communications.
Tuesday, June 21
Tuesday at Twelve concert series
The Jean Matthews Tuesday at Twelve free summer concert series is held every Tuesday in front of the Ravalli County Museum at 205 Bedford in Hamilton.
This year’s schedule is:
21 – Jenn Adams
28 – Pine Grass
5 – Shakewell
12 – Zeppo
19 – Bitterroot Community Band
26 – John Floridis
2 – The Cantrells
9 – Josh Farmer
16 – Tin Cup
23 – Joan Zen.
For more information contact Russ Lawrence at 363-1279.
Summer science club
North Valley Public Library invites you to two special sessions of the Summer Science Club. On Tuesdays, June 21 and 28, spectrUM Science, from Missoula, will be special guest. There will be two free sessions on each day for different age groups: 4-4:40 p.m. is for children ages 10 and under, and 5-5:40 p.m. is for children ages 11-18. Space is limited, so sign up in advance by contacting, or calling 777-5061.