Wednesday, June 8
Zen Buddism Class
Zen Buddhism Class will be held on Wednesday, June 8 (2nd and 4th Wednesdays) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living, 1720 N. First Street, Suite C, in Selway Commons (north of Sears), Hamilton. Listen to talks by various Buddhist teachers, starting with Anam Thubten, author of “No Self, No Problem” and “The Magic of Awareness”, who came to the US from Tibet and who speaks very good English. Listen, discuss, and then sit in meditation for a time. The class is led by Jill Davies (642-3601). Free will offering taken.
Thursday, June 9
Lunch Time Learning
The public is welcome to the second installment of the Affordable Meal Series at Lunch Time Learning on Thursday, June 9 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at The O’Hara Commons & Sustainability Center, 111 S. 4th, Hamilton. Laura Henderson, Ravalli County SNAP Education Coordinator, will be talking about Grains: delicious and healthy uses of grains in the daily menu. For information: or 406-369-6451.
Stevensville Town Council
The Stevensville Town Council will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, June 9 at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 206 Buck Street. Agenda items include discussion/decision on Stevensville Planning & Zoning Board’s recommendation of Brandon Dewey as Town Planner; discussion/decision on Construction Contract for Stevensville Airport Reconstruction Project; discussion/decision on adoption of position descriptions for Fire Department; discussion/decision on pay out of accrued and unused comp time prior to end of FY15/16; discussion/decision on appointment of Council representative to Stevensville Airport Board; discussion/decision on Mayor’s appointment of Clay Freeman to the Stevensville Main Street Assn.; discussion/decision on Mayor’s appointment of Bob Michalson to the St. Mary’s Mission Founders Day Committee.
Fellowship Club
The Bitterroot Public Library’s Fellowship Club will be meeting on Thursday, June 9 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to discuss the book “The DNA Field and the Law of Resonance: Creating Reality Through Conscious Thought” by Pierre Franckh.
Sharing groundbreaking experiments on the influence of DNA on photons and on interactions between emotions and DNA, Pierre Franckh explains how our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, whether positive or negative, build a field of resonance around us. By focusing our intentions and removing negativity from our beliefs about ourselves, our past, and our future, we can use our DNA to communicate our thoughts and desires to the universe. Through focused thoughts and intentions we draw the same resonant energy to us, thus bringing our intentions and desires into manifestation.
Franckh provides practical exercises to remove inner and outer negative influences that could block our desires, build a positive visualization of our goals, and increase the power of our field of resonance for quicker manifestation. In this inspiring guide to the law of resonance, the author shows how this inner power is waiting to be unlocked within our DNA.
Pierre Franckh lectures around the world, where his seminars are often sold-out events. A bestselling author with more than 60 titles in print, he is also a coach and mental trainer with numerous clients in the business world as well as doctors, psychologists, and complementary health professionals.
The Fellowship Club meets every second Thursday of the month in the West Meeting Room of the Bitterroot Public Library and is free and open to anyone seeking to promote individual and collective well being. Call 363-1670, or email for more information.
Friday, June 10
Emma’s House Doggy Shower
Emma’s House has a new and furry staff member. Her name is Twyla and she’s a facility dog that will be available for the children to pet and be comforted by when they come to Emma’s House. The community will have a chance to meet Twyla at her Doggy Shower on Friday, June 10 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Mineshaft Pasty Company, 111 N. 2nd Street in Hamilton. A registry is available at Wild About Pets in Hamilton.
Saturday, June 11
Peace Center Un-conference
The Jeannette Rankin Peace Center is hosting its Second Annual Un-conference on Saturday, June 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at University Congregational Church, 405 University Avenue, Missoula. The Jeannette Rankin Peace Center presents “Roots & Wings: How Will You Take Radical Responsibility for a Better World,” a day-long “un-conference”. The JRPC has been the roots of peace locally for 30 years. The conference will build on that foundation to look at how we can all become the wings of peace in our communities. We are asking how to reach deep into all our individual and collective strength, courage, and resources to take responsibility for extending those benefits out to seven generations and beyond, to take a radical stand for possibility and potential.
At the un-conference, four lightning speakers, including Alexandra “Rain” Smith, Amy Cilimburg and Joshua Slotnick will ignite the participants with their individual passions for peacemaking. Using Open Space Meeting Technology facilitated by Harold Shinsato, JRPC members, friends, and community members will be invited to nominate and host any topic related to the theme. These will become simultaneous, fluid break-out sessions in which participants share ideas, inspire each other, and engage on the most powerful topics of interest. At the close, participants will be invited to an evening reception in the UCC Courtyard with snacks and music provided by Lawrence Duncan to celebrate the 30th anniversary of JRPC, the roots of peace in Missoula. Free for JRPC members; $20 for non-members. Lunch, snacks, and evening reception included. More information and online registration is at or call 543-3955.
Bitter Root Day
The 36th Annual Bitter Root Day will be held Saturday, June 11 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of the Ravalli County Museum, 205 Bedford, Hamilton. Bitter Root Day is a cultural heritage celebration of both the Salish (the original inhabitants of the Bitter Root Valley) and the community that currently resides here. This festival includes two competitions, arts, crafts, food and produce from local and out of area vendors, potted bitterroot plants and seeds for sale, plus live music. Compete in the 4th Annual Jerky contest and show off your jerky making abilities, or the 3rd Annual “Create a Difference” Recycled Craft Competition & Exhibit! Show off your ability to create something new and beautiful out of something that might normally end up in the landfill. Contest forms are available at
Lions Bike For Sight
The Missoula, Lolo and Hamilton Lions Clubs will host a charity bike ride on the Bitterroot Trail on Saturday, June 11. This event will raise funds to help community residents needing financial assistance with sight and hearing problems. Length of ride is suited to beginners as well as advanced riders and families. Barbecue, t-shirts and fun for all. For more information go to or email
Florence Get Outdoors Day
Florence will celebrate National Get Outdoors Day on Saturday, June 11 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Hideout Mountain Playground at the Florence Park. Bring your old bicycles, helmets and gear to sell, swap or donate to the Florence-Carlton Safe Routes to School Program. Activities include: Art in the Park, Bicycle Helmets for Sale, Bicycle repair, fit, adjustment, Bicycle Touring/Camping, Bird Identification, Family First Aid, Family Fun Run, Fish identification, Fishing (dry land) Casting, Hiking Maps & Info, Parsons “Pony Rides”, Tennis “Quick Start for Kids”, Water Safety PFD info, “Old Pick-up truck Show” and community BBQ at the High School, and Fire Truck Pull. Join community members for an afternoon bicycle ride, trail hike or bird walk! More information at
Old Pickup Show
The Florence Civic Club will sponsor the 5th Annual Old Pick Up Show on Saturday, June 11 at the Florence Carlton School parking lot. For information call Don at 239-3699.
Cuts for Mutts
If you’ve been putting off that hair cut or pet grooming you won’t want to miss “Cuts For Mutts” on Saturday, June 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 pm at 333 S. 1st, Hamilton, hosted by Best Lil’ Hair House and Wags & Woofs in Hamilton to benefit the Bitter Root Humane Association animal shelter. Professional salon stylists and pet groomers will be on hand to give you, your family and your pet the full “do” treatments including haircuts and beard trims for humans and for your furry family members nail trims, simple clippings, and doggie washes will be available. All services will be by minimum donation and raffle chances for prizes donated from area businesses. If you’re hungry be sure to stop at the “Paws Cafe” tent for some grilled hot dogs, chips, cold beverages and treats for all. Bring a donation of pet food for the BRHA Community Pet Food Pantry and you’ll have a chance to win a great door prize! For more information contact Kim at Best Lil’ Hair House, 363-2375.
Sunday, June 12
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living hosts Barb Lucas presenting “Access: Spending Time at the Threshold of Spirit, with Expressive Art Practices” on Sunday, June 12 at 10 a.m. Enjoy a morning of music, sharing, and inspiration as June’s theme of Opening to Greater Expression of Spirit continues. Children’s program provided. Special music with LeGrande Harvey. Come early for Meditation at 9:30 a.m. Refreshments and conversation follow at 11:15. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For further information call Dave at 381-2355 or visit
Monday, June 13
Lone Rock VBS
Summer Bible Quest for ages K-6th grade will be held June 13-17 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Lone Rock Bible Church, 1142 Three Mile Creek Road, Stevensville. Call 777-2592 or register online at
Rotary Club
Timothy Woods, MD, orthopedic surgeon associated with Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, will be the guest speaker at the Monday, June 13 meeting of Hamilton Rotary Club. Dr. Woods, of Bitterroot Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, will be speaking about hip and knee joint replacements, including signs and symptoms, treatment options, risks versus rewards and ways to prolong replacements. The meeting will be at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st Street, Hamilton and is open to the public. For further Rotary Club information, call 363-2960.
Tuesday, June 14
Tuesday at Twelve concert series
The Jean Matthews Tuesday at Twelve summer concert series begins June 14 with the Big Sky Mudflaps presenting a special 90-minute concert. The free concerts are held in front of the Ravalli County Museum at 205 Bedford in Hamilton.
This year’s schedule is:
14 – Big Sky Mud Flaps
21 – Jenn Adams
28 – Pine Grass
5 – Shakewell
12 – Zeppo
19 – Bitterroot Community Band
26 – John Floridis
2 – The Cantrells
9 – Josh Farmer
16 – Tin Cup
23 – Joan Zen.
For more information contact Russ Lawrence at 363-1279.
Ravalli County Economic Development Authority will hold its regular monthly Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, June 14 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., and the regular monthly meeting with the Board of Commissioners on Wednesday, June 15 from 3 to 5 p.m. Both meetings will be held at the RCEDA office, 274 Old Corvallis Road, Hamilton. These meetings are open to the public.
Living history program
The North Valley Public Library will host the Humanities Montana Speakers Bureau program “Mrs. Woody’s Trunk Full of Memories” with Jennie Pak on Tuesday, June 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Jennie Pak presents this living history interpretation of one of Montana’s early pioneer women. Sarah Elizabeth Woody moved west and found herself at the forefront of the birth of a community and the state of Montana. As a wide-eyed young woman, she couldn’t know what life had in store for her. Join Mrs. Woody as she sifts through her old travel trunk. Each item sparks a poignant memory of a life well lived. Mrs. Woody ruminates on the wagon train journey from Iowa to California, her time as a frontier schoolteacher, and her marriage to Frank H. Woody, Missoula’s first mayor, in a small cabin in the burgeoning village Missoula. The North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
Stevensville school board
The Stevensville School Board of Trustees will hold a regular board meeting on Tuesday, June 14 at 7 p.m. in the Stevensville Music Center Choir Room.