The national Democratic Party with its liberal/progressive/socialistic ideology has, in the last seven plus years, dragged our constitutional republic into a money spending spree that, if continued, could eventually lead to extinction of our government as we know it!
If we elect another White House Democrat, this spending spree will likely be continued, significantly increasing our national debt – thereby further devastating our economy and the military’s capability!
Based upon past Obama performance and Hillary’s apparent indication that she will continue Obama’s policies and practices, we can expect that more workers will lose jobs and give up looking; then they will become dependents of the state – many of those would rather be on the dole than work for a living. Those on the dole may like their status and will likely become voters for an ever-increasing Democratic majority. Plainly put, more Democrats will be elected and that means more unbridled spending and significantly greater national debt!
Eventually, the United States dollar will no longer be accepted as the international money standard and we will be so bankrupt that the “fit will hit the shan” – thereby finishing the spending spree cycle to a Greek style extinction!
Anyone not capable of realizing that our country is in a vitally dangerous situation is not playing with a full deck and cannot understand the gravity of our predicament! Even though our country’s economic future is being dragged through a knothole by unthinking liberals, way too many Americans are oblivious to this problem! Wake up Americans, or the spending spree will continue!
Unfortunately, the Democrats have already had too much help from liberal Republicans, or RINOS, particularly in blue states!
Let’s hope that a sufficient number of conservative Americans, joined by Reagan Democrats, will think rationally before November’s election and vote accordingly to preserve America’s constitutional republic! Which government would you choose – the liberals’ choice of a Greece style disaster or an America as it used to be?
Jerry Haslip