After enduring approximately three years of back and forth, verbal and written arguments, in an attempt to convince me and the other water users who is right, BRID and Citizens for Fair Water are both at the point of being “Bad Guys.”
Both Citizens for Fair Water and Bitter Root Irrigation District (BRID) need to stop what they are doing. Everybody needs to stop signing petitions or rescinding petitions and put this issue in front of a judge and let the judge do his job.
The fiscal irresponsibility of this lawsuit is costing every water user in BRID valuable dollars that could be spent on more useful projects to improve water flow and conservation. After enduring three years of trash talking and “he said and she said,” I have no sympathy for either side.
This issue needs to be placed before a judge, as soon as possible. Water is such a valuable commodity that friends and neighbors should not influence each other’s decision. The only way to find out what is legal or not legal is to present the facts to the Ravalli County District Court and allow the “judge” to make his decision. Then and only then we can move forward.
I urge everybody to demand both BRID and Citizens for Fair Water to stop their “Bad Behavior” and do everything in their power to get the issue before the court.
The taxpayer monies, that are collected by BRID, through BRID assessments, should not be used for this lawsuit, but should be spent for the improvement of the water resources.
Let us work together to solve this issue.
Dave Tripp, Candidate for Division 5 BRID Commissioner
colleen schmiedeke says
Don’t get me wrong I think everyone has the right to run for an office but I think you should at least attend some of the board or organizational meetings to know what or how they work before running for an office.